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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day Eighteen - plans/dreams/goals you have

I have spent the year, once a month, catching up with a small group of dynamic women from all walks of life.  Our group has a facillitator and she is amazing.  We however never ever ever do what we plan to do but that is okay as the night always ends up being enriching, filled with laughter, tears and lots of stories.  I guess the whole point of it is that we had on hand a book by Dan Zadra called 5 (ISBN 978-1-932319-44-6).  The blurb to this book quite simply is:

'Where will you be five years from today?'

It is filled with quotes, questions, possibilities and celebrates the 'want to's, choose's to & I can't wait to's in your life'. I am still working through this book and can highly recommend it.

Don't say that you don't have enough time.  You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.
-H.Jacksoon Brown, Jr.

What I can tell you is that I would like to live a long and happy life surrounded by my family & friends.  I want to watch my children grow up, watch them fall in love for the first time, be there when their heart gets broken, teach them to drive, watch them laugh, be their taxi, watch them in their sleep, get no sleep while I wait for them to get home from being out, be proud of them, teach them about consequences, watch my girls walk down the isle, watch my son weep as his bride walks down the isle, travel the world more, become a grandmother, go to University again, be a better photographer, make new friends, share champagne & cups of tea with my friends of the yesterday, laugh and cry with them, make smart choices, learn from my mistakes, be passionate, care for those around me and all the while be holding hands with my husband.

And so much more that I just don't know about yet.

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