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Friday, October 8, 2010

Day Four - A habit you wish you didn't have

I clench my jaw and grind my teeth in my sleep.  It's got a whole lot better over the years but I have suffered poor sleep and headaches for as long as I can remember. And yes, I have tired all sorts to remedy it but relaxation seems to present the best outcome.

Hmmm, yep that's it.

Well actually it's not.  I am a perfectionist.  Which is good and bad.  Things get done properly but I can obsess over it and end up wasting time.  Like this blog for an example.  I am back tidying it up frequently,  changing the way it looks and the things that I have written.  I should be doing day six not doing an addendum to day four.

I bet I am back to add to this list.

I'm a 'Yes' person. It kills me. This year I have tried to be a 'No' person.  It seems to be working, people still like me and I am not as stressed as I normally am.

I'm sure I'll be back. BTW - it's day 8 for me.

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