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Friday, November 26, 2010

The 30 Day Blog Challenge - The final chapter: day 26-30

Firstly I am doing a crash finish to wipe the slate clean.  To say that I finish something that I started.  I think a lot of people headed this way towards the end on this challenge.

day 26 - what do you think about your friends

I really feel like saying that I don't think much of them because it's the end of the blog and no one is reading it anyway but that is the furtherest thing from the truth *snigger*  They are all awesome!

day 27 - why are you doing this 30 day challenge

To improve blogging and writing skills as I do not really have the knack of composing in a journalistic manner.  It was worth a shot.

day 28 - a picture of you from last year & now, how have you changed since then?

I'm a year older, a little wiser and a little lighter :)

day 29 - in this past month, what have you learned

That it is good to finish something that you started, even if it is a little late :)

day 30 - your favorite song

Beautiful Day - U2

1 comment:

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